Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ditch digging, Chainsaw wielding Mexicans, air bed surfing, midnight puzzling and other oddities from a prolific vagabond.

So it's been an eventful past few days. I've driven about 600 miles from North Carolina to Annapolis Maryland stopping off along the way, and it's definitely been a lot of fun!

So first a story of before I left NC. It was one of the last days I was working on my parents new house, and I was finishing up some very technical, mind bending work; digging ditches. When I decided to step into the house for a moment. I wasn't there long when one of the framing guys who was working on the deck outside walked in the house carrying a chainsaw. Normally the sight of a 100 pound mexican carrying a chainsaw wouldn't have seemed odd to me, however, this gentleman was working on building my Dad's deck! He smiled, and we exchanged some pleasantries (which I'm pretty sure my attempt at Spanish only resulted in me insulting his Mother and calling his dog a cheap whore), and I inquired about the chainsaw. Of course my wild imagination of a framer going at the deck with a chainsaw in a Friday the 13th-esk manner was completely unfounded. The simple answer was that they had cut down a tree earlier that day and he didn't want to forget the chainsaw in the woods when he left at the end of the day. And I suspect just as you, I was very saddened by the logic behind this answer. I was expecting instead a wild story of how some one-handed swinging of this chainsaw would quicken the deck building process. Sadly, this wasn't the case. I took the disappointing news hard, vowing to think of a clever story in which to tell my friends reading this blog. Alas, I have failed. But that, as they say in copywriting is a lead in. :-) 

After saying goodbye to my parents I made my way up to Greensboro, NC to visit long time friend and the quick witted, intelligent Miss Ashley. There I was greeted with a rotisserie chicken with amazing sides and a wonderful dessert (I am truly bless with some great friends who are great cooks!). That night we went out to a local drinking establishment and played some shuffle board, drank some wine and had great heartfelt conversations. It was a wonderful time! 

My next stop would be my old stomping grounds of JMU. I went in and tracked down some favorite professors, having great catch up talks and explaining to them the rationale behind my recent retirement and trip out to Utah. The campus has simply exploded with the addition of new dorms, a gorgeous new library, a magnificent performing arts center in the works, a school of engineering and still no parking. I then crashed on the air mattress of long time freshman roommate William S. Holloway Esquire and Ted Theodore Logan!! (Look it up) 

We talked and caught up and it was fun to see how much his lovely new wife Laura had trained him to do the cooking and clean up after himself. Where was she freshman year! Now in all fairness I wasn't the neatest of fellows myself, but his side of the room looked like someone had turned everything upside down, strung the shoes out the window and had a vacuum cleaner explode... ok so I MAY be responsible for some or all of that :-) But I had a lovely time visiting Billy and Laura, with again some great food (Billy has turned into a marvelous cook!) and the next morning I left for Northern Virginia.

Ah NOVA.... how I abhor you so. If it weren't for a few select friends still being in the area, I would avoid you like getting a real job... wait what? Anyways, it was a short trip only stopping off for lunch and to visit Bedroom 4, the only one of her kind: Miss Gianina Ferraiuolo. After a lovely chat ranging from Autism to the fake looking dolphin used in parts of the movie Flipper, it was onto Annapolis!!!! 

This particular section of the trip has involved many past roommates. Billy, Gianina and of course who can forget the man, the myth, the confusion: the one and only Mr. Medium Chris Anderson? Crashing on an air mattress in his living room, after some fantastic mac and cheese, always a good time. But what's even better is the 5 people in the house plus me working on a 750 landscape puzzle of Times Square. We were up until 1:30 am starting and finishing that sucker in record time! All I have to say is we rock! Plus I gained some Mac knowledge from one of his roommates! So all in all a very productive stay! 

Well there you have it, if you've read this far I'm impressed, if you haven't, I am mocking you in secret. 

The next stop is a wedding of a college friend and then Jersey!! Bring me home country road interstate 95!!!



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