Thursday, November 13, 2008

North Carolina - The adventure begins south of the Mason Dixon Line

So the adventure has begun. I began my trek down south and stopped off in NOVA and Richmond for some moonlight hiking and old roommate and friend visiting. Vive la SHORTS! I then made my way Norfolk to play some golf and hang out with more friends. 

After that I've spent the last few weeks down here in Southport North Carolina with my parents and it's been quite entertaining.  Mostly I've been helping my father build his retirement house here in St. James, but I've also been doing some investigating of the area and have made some really great friends down here. 

I'm about 40 minutes from Myrtle Beach and a few weekends ago I was a plus one to Valerie's friend's wedding. Such a blast! A beautiful outdoor ceremony followed by everyone eating, dancing, and drinking the night away! It was marvelous. Plus Val and I provided the number one "advice" phrases to the bride and groom, we rock! Always an adventure when Valerie's involved. 

Other notable events have been: golfing and tennis with my dad and his friends, networking like mad with amazing people, crashing another fun wedding, a surprisingly good, country-fied broadway type show, a rather chill and extremely fun Halloween party involving an amazing graveyard cake, several scary movies and a 2 pound crazy adorable pooch, and a late night at a dive bar featuring a pitiful game of darts and some American Idol-esk singing. 

All in all this trip has surprised me as to how fun it really was! I was expecting an okay time, but I've really enjoyed every aspect of my stay here. It's always sad to leave new friends, but I've got lots more adventuring to do and a beautiful, powder covered mountain awaiting my skis! 

Next on the agenda: in a week a quick stop in Greensboro to try and convince someone else to leave General Dynamics, a brief visit to JMU, two separate chances to annoy old roommates (can't wait, Roommate I'm BACK!!!...sorry Laura), and another wedding!

Final thoughts: If I had known retirement was going to be this much fun, I'd have done it years ago! 


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