Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Weddings and Jettians and Wii Tennis oh my?

So I was fortunate to attend yet another fantastic wedding this past weekend. This was one especially dear to since it was of a close friend from college. While there I was reacquainted with some long lost friends and made new ones. In so doing I learned a very valuable lesson along the way: no matter what happens, no matter how big you may screw up, true friends will be there with a hug and a smile with no pretensions only honest happiness at seeing you. It was a great lesson to learn. 

The wedding itself was amazing! It was my first glimpse at a partial Jewish wedding traditions since it was a bi-religional wedding. It was well done and had some beautiful traditions that I truly believe satisfied both sides even those who may not have been completely backing the wedding whole heartedly. Plus people were thrown around in the air on chairs, glass was broken and I got to do some hardcore chicken dancing. You haven't lived until you take the chicken dance to the next level! 

So 10:30pm rolled around and the reception was winding down, and everyone was leaving for the evening. After parties were planned, some people needed convincing not to do the responsible thing and drive home, but instead forgo sleep and soberness and celebrate some more! Luckily we were successful in our quest, convincing several otherwise, "early nighters" to stay and participate. 

For those who don't know the definition of the word in the title of this blog here it goes: Definition of Jettians: (Pronounced: Jeh-tee-uhns) Noun: (1) Townies who hang out at the Jetty, (2) Those related to a particular dive bar located on the eastern shore of Maryland. "The place was crawling with Jettians, so I decided to drink more and become one." Adj: Of or pertaining to the local bar, The Jetty. "With several drinks already ingested and a propendency to slur every other word, the jettian persona was beginning to take over early on in the night." Verb: To Jetty " Hey man the night is young let's go Jetty!"

Needless to say after the ceremony we found ourselves at the local bar The Jetty... and by local I mean the only one within walking distance of the hotel. It was full of colorful people and random music being played. After a few drinks, some stellar dance moves and several odd looking townies later, the bar closed and we ventured back to the hotel with the definite feeling that it was still "early". 

Now I'm not sure how you roll but I know I NEVER go anywhere without my wallet, cell phone, keys, Nintendo Wii gaming system and portable projector. They're pretty much a must for every situation in life, I mean really let's be honest here. Thanks to Brian we were able to keep the party going strong! So after several failed attempts to hack into the hotel TV, the Wii was hooked up to the portable projector and viewed on the wall. The remaining group that hadn't already gone back to their rooms, curled up on the floor to "rest their eyes", or passed out and were drooling on themselves, played several intense games of Wii tennis and Wii bowling. 

Brian stomped us all in tennis and Mike won the Wii bowling by sheer luck and the clever use of a character created on the Wii named Momma. Then around 3:15 in the AM we called it and went back to our respective hotel rooms to pass out and have dreams of sugar plums and armless Wii Tennis characters flailing helplessly as Brian continually hit to the one spot on the court that is apparently impossible for the damn characters to return the ball from despite one's best efforts and loud cursing.... Next time Gadget!!! 

The wonderful celebration was concluded the next morning with a great brunch, lively conversations about the night before, poking fun at the hung over people and the obligatory swapping of the phone numbers, Facebook IDs and the like. Once again it was a wonderful time re-establishing old friendships and making new ones. I concluded the weekend with an uneventful, relaxing drive back to Sparta. 

Till next adventure this is Chris signing off saying: If you aren't having fun, make it fun or do something else; life is way to short! 



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